Application Modernization
Transform your core applications and harness cloud-native development to become agile and efficient market competitor.
Over time, existing enterprise systems can prove expensive as their inability to respond to business process change prevents work from being done in new and more effective way. Legacy systems pose a number of challenges including risks associated with running on potentially unsupported hardware and software, inflexible and closed architectures hindering web-enablement and integration with contemporary platforms, scarce talent pool and higher SLA time for customers due to non-real-time architecture options.
Reva works with you through your entire application transformation — from the modernization of existing infrastructure and applications to the development and deployment of applications that run on any cloud platform.
Focus Areas
cloud Native development
Build highly scalable applications that can be seamlessly deployed, adapted, or upgraded. Develop applications that capitalize on the potential of the cloud environment comprising Microservices, Containers, Dynamic orchestration, and Continuous delivery.
Application Containerization
Enable developers and IT professionals to deploy applications across environments with little or no modification. Containers provide a lightweight, immutable infrastructure for application packaging and deployment. An application or service, its dependencies and its configuration are packaged together as a container image.
Workload Migration
Run your critical workloads in the cloud with freedom, flexibility, and speed without exhausting your resources through Lift and Shift and run on a virtualized infrastructure environment. Reva Workload Migration Services combine best practices and bespoke tools to maximize the benefits of cloud operating models, including scalability, security, reliability, speed, quality, and cost rationalization.